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it's all kicking off

so it appears we are perilously in danger of acting like a fully fledged rock and roll outfit.

the album is now officially available to preorder. four years in the making, blood sweat and glasses of milk poured heartily into your stereos and mini disc players. seriously though, this is a big deal for us and we're genuinely excited, despite all of our self-sabotaging inclinations. those of you who have been following the record's genesis will have an idea what to expect, but there should still be enough surprises on there to keep things interesting.

we've got some live dates coming up with a few more to be added, all the details are available here:

9th november, london camden assembly rooms

11th november, reading purple turtle

15th december, manchester night and day cafe

thanks to everyone for the overwhelmingly positive reactions to take care of your own. there's another single on the horizon with another no-fi video in production as we speak.

we'll see some of you in the autumn, some of you in the winter, and even more of you next year once we've assaulted the charts.

we have a deep respect for all of you and greatly appreciate both your patronage and your concern.

rk 4eva

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